Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Condominium Association?
A condominium is a type of housing, usually attached, where the owners own their unit and a portion of the private land that it sits on. They also own a share in the amenities like common property, swimming pools, recreational facilities etc. All condominium buildings have associations that govern the policies of the condominium project, allocate expenses for maintenance, and collect the monthly, quarterly or annual association fees that each owner pays for building, insurance and community maintenance. All owners of the condominiums are members of the association.
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
Everyone who buys a condo receives a set of the covenants, conditions and restrictions, known as CC&Rs. Before they sign the contract, the selling agent must disclose what the rules and regulations of the association are. There could be restrictions about pets roaming free, overnight guest parking, or types of landscaping the owners can put on their patios or balconies.
Structure of Association
All condominiums have homeowner’s associations that enforce the CC&Rs. The associations are a legal entity that have enforcement powers to collect the fees, enforce the rules and regulations, or put liens on homes or even initiate foreclosures should the owners fall behind on the association fees. Residents who want to make an exception to the CC&Rs have to ask for permission if they want to alter the appearance of their unit, for example, or get approval if they want to change their window coverings if the CC&Rs have rules about the appearance of the unit from the street.
If an owner breaches the CC&Rs of their homeowner’s association, it is possible that they could incur a number of severe penalties. These could include monetary fines, a suspension of onsite privileges, or, in more serious cases, the initial of a lawsuit.
Board of Directors
The condominium association has a board of directors, whose members are owners of units in a building. The owners of the units elect the board members annually, and the associations must have a president, secretary and treasurer. These individuals are responsible for approving all policy and planning that affects the short and long term future of the condominiums.
Reserve Accounts
All owners in the community must pay monthly or annual fees that cover the expenses associated with maintaining the property. The associations also have “reserve” accounts that they use for emergencies. An association can anticipate how much their fixed expenses will cost, but have no control over emergencies like storm damage, liability lawsuits, or accidents that could damage a unit and cost money to repair.
Under our new bylaws, is it possible for us to institute a fine for noncompliance of registering new tenants with the board?
You can definitely fine for any Bylaw Owners contravene. For off site Owners who rent their units, both the Condominium Property Act and your Bylaws state that Owners must provide the tenants name and amount of rent being charged. If they don’t provide this info, (as well as contact info for the tenant) send them a letter stating the Bylaws and section of the Act they are contravening and state the fine they will get if they don’t comply.
For safety and security concerns, they should also be giving you the names of all the residents of the unit (children included). If there is an emergency such as a fire, the Fire Department will want to know everyone that lives there so they can account for them. Stress the emergency contact aspect. Give the Owners a short turn around time – say ten days – to comply or tell them you will fine them again.
What are the monthly fees?
Condo Fees are ~ $296 for a 2 bedroom unit and ~ $331 for 3 bedroom units.
Condo Fees are to be paid by direct deposit. You will be set up for the system if you purchase a condo.
Where are you located?
We are in the valley part of Hinton, Alberta. #51 – 441 Switzer Drive, Hinton, AB, T7V 1Z7
How many units are there in this condominium?
Woodland court comprises 40 units in 7 buildings.
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